If you know me, you know I have a soft spot for Monkeys. Love 'em. I just sent this to our dear friend, VA...and her baby boy, Merritt.

God help my child...if he is a boy (they even make a bugaboo ;) ....and NO I am not.

*Jim is my monkey from child-hood (who am I kidding...he is still within arms reach at all times while I am sleeping, even if he is under my pillow or the bed)...he turns 27 this Christmas.
PS...Happy Birthday to my sissy, Cara!
As if we don't know who Jim is! Love he is still around!
even thought at times I have issues with monkeys, this is super cute and over the top! makes babies and monkeys look like a goo diea
So cute. Love everything Paul Frank and love that he has a kids line. Give Jim a hug from Dinah.
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