Since we have all spent times of our lives in the South - I know y'all get it. Maybe it is because it is familiar or ironic or beautiful - but I love pictures taken of churches, religious imagery and random signs in the South. I was introduced to the work of Meryl Truett through my friend Katie's blog. I ordered a book of Meryl's photos - and love them (see above and below). Would some day love to order a print for my house. The opening credits of True Blood does a wonderful job of bringing together images of the South, death, sex, God, temptation, etc. - check it out:
True Blood - I have been addicted to watching it - but I don't love it. I like it, it is entertaining...I want it to be as wonderful as Twin Peaks...and it just isn't. But definitely worth a watch on SUPER HOT Tucson day (like today) when I can't leave the house.
No! That sounds so weird since it is 107 here. Ugh. Don't you love Mad Men? We hosted a Mad Men party at the season finale, and will host another one when the show starts again in August - you all should too! Everyone dresses up - super fun. Pics of the party are up on my Flickr. I gave you access right?
No one here really watches Mad Men except us. No one watches much of anything. So, I will have to live vicariously through you with the party. And yes, I saw your pics - they are great!
I have only just heard of true blood, too. What station is it on? Mad Men is the next thing I am going to get caught up on. I watched one episode and liked it, but I think it is on a funny channel here. Like a # I never think to push..does that make any sense?
True Blood is on HBO which we don't have - but I am one of those illegal downloading types. So - I downloaded the whole first season and watched when I was sick.
Mad Men - on AMC - also on AMC is Breaking Bad which is set in Albuquerque! So good -but very depressing. It is great for random ABQ stuff.
Um, where do you illegally download stuff? I must know b/c Netflix takes over a week to ship stuff to the remote mountains of Telluride which is so frustrating when you are super into a show. Grrr.
Hi girlie. Weeds and Big Love have been recommended a lot - want to start those. The Wire - basically obsessed for a year. We had wire viewing nights with friends. Erin and I starting talking about Wire characters like they were our real friends.... Deadwood - watched on the plane ride to Iceland. :)
We use Bitorrent (might have a different name since we use on the mac - can't remember). We paid $40 for file sharing. Honestly - you can get everything - movies, music, TV. It is wonderful. EVERYTHING. We pay and use iTunes for stuff we want to keep.
I was just hearing about True Blood while at brunch with some girlfriends this morning.
I love images of the south - particularly of historic buildings. Something so romantic about them.
True Blood - I have been addicted to watching it - but I don't love it. I like it, it is entertaining...I want it to be as wonderful as Twin Peaks...and it just isn't. But definitely worth a watch on SUPER HOT Tucson day (like today) when I can't leave the house.
We have been watching Mad Men & just finished Doubt. Not b/c of heat though - freezing rain! Can you believe I am in a wool sweater?
No! That sounds so weird since it is 107 here. Ugh. Don't you love Mad Men? We hosted a Mad Men party at the season finale, and will host another one when the show starts again in August - you all should too! Everyone dresses up - super fun. Pics of the party are up on my Flickr. I gave you access right?
I will have to try Doubt.
No one here really watches Mad Men except us. No one watches much of anything. So, I will have to live vicariously through you with the party. And yes, I saw your pics - they are great!
I have only just heard of true blood, too. What station is it on?
Mad Men is the next thing I am going to get caught up on. I watched one episode and liked it, but I think it is on a funny channel here. Like a # I never think to push..does that make any sense?
True Blood is on HBO which we don't have - but I am one of those illegal downloading types. So - I downloaded the whole first season and watched when I was sick.
Mad Men - on AMC - also on AMC is Breaking Bad which is set in Albuquerque! So good -but very depressing. It is great for random ABQ stuff.
Ahhh TV - I love you.
Other great shows...
The Wire
Big Love
Um, where do you illegally download stuff? I must know b/c Netflix takes over a week to ship stuff to the remote mountains of Telluride which is so frustrating when you are super into a show. Grrr.
Hi girlie. Weeds and Big Love have been recommended a lot - want to start those. The Wire - basically obsessed for a year. We had wire viewing nights with friends. Erin and I starting talking about Wire characters like they were our real friends....
Deadwood - watched on the plane ride to Iceland. :)
We use Bitorrent (might have a different name since we use on the mac - can't remember). We paid $40 for file sharing. Honestly - you can get everything - movies, music, TV. It is wonderful. EVERYTHING. We pay and use iTunes for stuff we want to keep.
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