When I have looked for apartments or houses, I always call and debrief with my parents - Nona and Paul. I go on and on how there HAS to be hardwood floors or how the windows were so cute. Nona says that she has raised me....as a house snob and apologizes for it. Growing up, we were usually house poor. My parents biggest investments (and returns) have always been in their homes. I remember living through all the remodels. I also remember this book in my parents house - The House Book (1974) by Terence Conran. We talked a lot about what we loved about houses and looked through this book and discussed what we would want to do to our homes.

What books or experiences influenced you as a kid?
Love the images from the book. I cannot think of one book in particular that has influenced me. As much as it kills me to say this, my mom is the one who has probably inspired me the most.
Also - the cities I have lived in each are an inspiration...New Orleans, St. Louis, Boston, Tucson, Savannah, and even Telluride.
I must admit though that even as a small child when I would sleep over at friend's houses, I would imagine how I would redecorate the room if it were mine. I probably should have listened to that voice and become an interior designer.
I have always loved how people live and getting a degree in Architectural History is part of all of that. I love how space defines how we live. I love how architects define that space for others (hello Frank Lloyd Wright!). I love how time, history, location, etc. all contribute to this. My interest in the way people live & the things that surround them is like an obsession.
Random things -
I also had a friend in Fayetteville growing up - Megan. Her dad is an interior decorator and we would make amazing Barbie rooms out of boxes and used wallpaper samples. Megan's room was magical. She had an old Piano painted mint green and pink.
Other random thought - did you know Erin and Andrew lived in a Frank Lloyd Wright carriage house in Chicago? I will try to get some photos.
I think I should have gone into design as well...I have a need to know how to do cad drawings. I guess it's never too late :)
I find AutoCad so dull - so I love you have an interest in it Ciggity. I don't dig it. I had to take some courses in grad school.
I also don't like presentation boards that a lot of designers pull together. I like the idea of a more fluid design between client & professional. Design is fun - why does everything have to be so mapped out & formal?
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