Though in a dream world I would get a set of these, they are just too darn heavy for me to handle easily. I have tried, I promise. A friend inherited a set from her arthritic grandmother who couldn't clean them anymore. Every time we have dinner with these friends & I offer to help with dishes I about kill myself under the weight of these puppies.
So, my question for you is what sort of pots & pans should we get? We really want to get away from anything with teflon. Call me crazy, but I am not into cooking cancer into my food. Have you all had any experience with stainless? Does food stick? Seriously, I need help.
Scott and I have been having the same conversation - needing to get away from the Teflon. The LeCrueset (sp?) - I think too heavy as well. They are beautiful. So - Mario Batali has LeCrueset knockoffs that are NICE but not as heavy or as expensive. They are at Target, Crate and Barrel, etc. http://www.crateandbarrel.com/Family.aspx?c=1805&f=8975
Haven't tried the stainless ones.
I have a full set of Le Cruset...love it. Heavy as heck, but I have a set of White and it is discontinued...so I love them for that, really. I have the dutch ovens, the grill pan, and skillets...blah blah...really all you need is ONE good piece of it (as it is truly unbeatable for braising in the oven, and soup). I also have a few select pieces of the Stainless Steen All-Clad, which I really like. The downside is that it can't go in the dishwasher (or shouldn't). I have been hearing really good things about this new "green" cookware you can get at BBB. Let me research...
Erin and Andrew have all the Le Cruset - so beautiful. I am just jealous and that is why I said it is too heavy. :) Green cookware at BBB - will have to check that out too.
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