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fig.1. Entry when you come in and look left, leads to living room. Please excuse the large bag of dog food :)
fig.2. Enter door and look right. Door on left leads to bedroom and bathroom, door straight ahead is a coat closet.
fig.3. The "P" I have started a small collection of "P's" This is actually the only one I have up. This niche used to house a phone and a buzzer for the front it has just been painted 1000 times and collects junk.
That's the preview....more to come of our little shoe box
Yeah! So glad you put house pics up. the Entry way is nice and wide - good to have room for the table by the door with photos. Love the hardwood floors and the little niche for the letter P. I have a P for you. Actually it was a lower case "d" for debenport, but now I am not a deb it can be flipped over to be a "p." It is cute. I think for pottery barn - brushed silver looking...
Love the new pad!! I also adore the "telephone nook." For some reason they are very "SF" to me.
I also have a "C" like your "P" (Anthropologie?). Though I am not technically a "C" - I too started collecting them a few years ago, but haven't found the right place to hang them yet.
On another note, I so wish I had a nice wide entry like you. Our front door opens directly into our Living Room. Super annoying. This means that not only do we have piles of shoes by the front door, but also tons of gear - skis, boots, jackets, etc. all collect right in our living space. I hate it so very much.
It also means we cannot have a "nice" rug. We tried it once & it was a waste of money since it got so trashed. With so many friends that come over, so many dogs (besides our own muddy mutt), summer mud, and winter snow sludge - our main living room rug gets totally destroyed despite our TWO (indoor & out) door mats. So, now we have a boring brown jute rug from West Elm that is durable, affordable (since we have to replace it every two years), sustainable, and hides the dirt. So yes, I am very jealous of your entry.
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