Monday, December 28

A peek in to the last few weeks...

I have emerged from 2 weeks of feeling sick and an unexpected visit from my mother-in-law. Our plan for a lazy Christmas for us did not really work out, but overall the holidays were just fine. Finally feeling like I have the ability and a chance to breathe! Missed y'all!

The highlight of my Christmas day was visiting the Reeds after Christmas dinner and singing this song around the fire while drinking a shot of whiskey (for my throat...of course).

Many Xmas parties = many cheese trays
Packing up my office to move to a new space
Drugs and hot water with lemons. Sick of being sick!
This is what we made for Creamers for Xmas! A happy cat.
Annual gift exchange with friends
Winter Mannequin in a phone booth in Michelle's yard

A visit to Pima Air & Space Museum. More photos here


Sonchia said...

So much to laugh about here (well, not the sick part). Um, the "LC" box is a riot. And, why do your friends have a phone booth with a mannequin in their backyard. I am so curious & intrigued - I need to know more!

Love Pima Air & Space Museum.

Cannot wait to see your new office space - I feel a post brewing!

Rebecca said...

So - I need to do an entire post and pics sometime of my friend Michelle's place. She has the most amazing house ever with her own vintage airstream trailer guest house in the back. The mannequin in phone booth was just part of their Xmas display. :)

Glad you liked the LC box. hee hee