It is that time of year - time for the Kentucky Derby. I love the Derby - the hats, the Mint Juleps, the horse names ("Blind Luck," "Quiet Temper," "Mission Impazible")...the whole "southerness" of it all just gets me so excited. I love the jockeys in their colorful jerseys - stripes, polka dots, you name it. I love the build up to "The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports." Yep, two minutes. And then it is over. It is the type of sport that just screams for a party. Will you be watching?
In honor of all things "derby" - a few items to get you ready for the "Run for the Roses."

Make a yummy Mint Julep using this

Do you Derby?
Absolutely love this post. I pretty much love all things pony (even the freaky pony tail hair clip). I wish I could be at derby this weekend - we used to go in college and loved it. Yes, I placed my bets purely by the horses names. I got to visit the Kentucky Downs again a few years ago for the races @ my friend Shilpa's wedding. (not Derby but dressed up with fun hats anyway).
Here's to the horses!
ps. I really want the vintage derby drinking glasses!!
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