Forget the luge, the salchow, or curling; with the Winter Olympics just around the corner, obviously I thought we should consider the design behind the upcoming games. Justin was in Vancouver last year & brought me home an official Olympics t-shirt as a gift. I found it in the bottom of a drawer last night & it got me thinking - "what is up with this crappy logo?" I mean honestly, this is a world event - shouldn't the marketing behind these games be reflective of this?

My parents gave me this Mexico poster from 1968 (from their first apt. together). Love it. Hangs in our bedroom now. That moscow one is pretty sweet too!
I am so beyond jealous. Reaffirms why your parents are awesome, not that I ever had my doubts.
Yes - very lucky that the parents have great taste AND they are in the stage where they want to purge everything.
They informed me that I will spend my 30's and 40's wanting to accumulate and nest, and my 60's and 70's wanting to downsize and get rid of stuff....
I will take some stuff from them...whenever they want to send :) I have lived with a lot of your parents things (dishes, art, etc) It made me feel like I lived in a true home, I gotta get that going again.
Don't even say that to Nona or she will send you tons of stuff. Beware when you are at their house in April - if you say you like something - she will wrap it up and give it to you. :) hee hee.
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