I don't really like the term, "resolution".... so I am sharing with you some ideas I have for things I will be doing in 2010. Thank you.

Easy: Start Jan 1st
Blog: It’s fun, I am in contact almost daily with 2 people I have loved since the day we met (in 8th and 13th grades J ), and I have a lot to say…but I get overwhelmed. There I admit it.
Workout: because I feel better when I do it, I like being strong and in control.
Floss: I will NOT let the dentist make me cry about my gums, I am in control of this!
Nails:I feel better when I keep them nice and I am good at doing them myself
Date Night: I never have a better time, than when it is just me and KP trying something new
Attainable: Should Start Jan 1st
Yoga: Once a week or 4x a month, whichever
K.I.T: I have really neglected some people that are near and dear to me. I strongly believe friendship is a two-way street, but I want to be on the same street again.
Nest: Either where we are, or where we go….make a home..I admittedly gave up on where we are now, and it is sad that Keith and I both miss the “Holiday Decor”
Sew: I have the machine and mounds of fabric…I can do this!
Long Term: Can be done by December 31,2010…I hope?
4th room mate: We are as ready as I think you can be?
Get Creative: Where do I even begin?
Gluten Free: Should I try this? Or should I really stick to my “everything in moderation”…
Safari: I need to sleep under the stars in Africa (this could be on the list for a looooong time)

** I bought this calendar, it is gorgeous!! Got it at the Renegade Craft Fair (another post I have yet to publish…ugh!)

** I bought this calendar, it is gorgeous!! Got it at the Renegade Craft Fair (another post I have yet to publish…ugh!)
Where to begin with my comments...
Easy - Yes! Come blog with us! Want more from Ciggity this year as I love your ideas! Also - love your use of "control" this year - own it!
Attainable - Jealous you have a machine & want to sew with you (& Becca). I am a terrible seamstress but want to sew so many things. Let's talk. Also - nesting is important & I am a serious "nester" even when staying in other people's homes (though I always put everything back before leaving).
Long Term - Safari...can I come with you? If you need to sleep under the stars, you can also come to Telluride...stars galore here! Gluten free - on the fence here. AND - 4th member - YES! I want to post lots of baby stuff here. Becca...are you next? Little ponies everywhere!
Cath -
Wonderful post and wonderful goals. I love you! I like the easy (I need to get my act together on flossing too!! ) attainable and long term.
On to the long term - Try gluten free for 15 days. See how it feels. I think it can be difficult long term forever, but see how it feels. I am having to try lots of things for 2 weeks with my stomach issues. 4th member of the Pettus family...Yay! 4th roommate for us - possibly! Hopefully! But not "officially" trying (whatever that means). But yes- ponies everywhere when it happens!! :)
ps. I want that calendar
pps. This post makes me want to all live in the same place - yoga together, sew together, etc
Ok end of the week check-in.
Gym 3x, nails are looking nice, had a date with KP last night, and I am commited to Yoga tomorrow at 9....
I also have not had any Bread(and little wheat)or Dairy since Sunday (with one slip up on Tuesday ;)....but that is because we are going to Jamaica in 8 days!
Jamaica in 8 days! I hate you!!! But I love you. :)
You are so good taking out the bread. Go chicken!!
Wait - Ciggity - how in the world do you get to take so many wonderful vacations? So jealous. Don't run off any runways when you land - ha!
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