Ok - so, all of that said, it is the guest bathroom that is actually giving me issues. We rent - so, spending money on upgrades is not possible. We have crappy mosaic gray/blue tile on the floor, gross blue tiles in the bath, and well worn blue formica on the counter. The counter is beat up beyond belief from past tenants. I have tried my best to "live" with the existing conditions, but am sort of at a "stand still" on how to really decorate this space. So - any thoughts? Ideas? Help? Across from the toilet is a cool gray file cabinet that holds magazines inside & kleenex and a candle on top. Thanks for any ideas girls!

My parents have the twin beds in the guest room and it has worked out great. I love them. Like you said, easier for non-couples to stay.
For the bathroom - one idea would be to do something fun with mexican oil cloth. I had a friend who pull up the counter top, used a staple gun to recover in mexican oil cloth, and then put back in. Made the space funky and fun but still easy to clean. I am in the land of great mexican oil cloth, so let me know if you need any!
ps. Sonchia love the couch in your guest room.
Hmm...oil cloth. Tres creative! I will take a look at the counter & see if that is a possibility.
And, the couch was a set - two of the same - that we had growing up in our living room in every house we lived in. They were originally in a blueish fabric. My Mom downsized & recovered them both in a more "neutral" fabric and gave one each to my sister & me. Since we were never allowed in the living room as kids (it was the "fancy" room - no matter which house we lived in) it is fun to now have it as such a part of our "everyday" living. It feels so naughty to sit on it or use it in any way - tee hee.
That is too great about the couch...OMG.
Honestly I think it looks good how it is...but here are my ideas.
Skirt the sink. It looks like there is a lip on the counter top? Something tailored and piped?, not unlike the skirt you put on your desk. I love the shower curtain print..so maybe that is the "skirt" and then you have a solid curtain? You can make it so you can open it and have access to the drawers, etc.
I have also always wanted to have a shower curtain that is hung from the ceiling (on the hospital tracks)...this b.room might be too small....but I know a few who have done that as it truly hides "what is behind the curtain"
Get a long, narrow mat.. a natural fiber would look good...I will find you one.
Cover up the counter top with a tray...put stuff on it :)
Ah - I love this! Thanks for the suggestions girls...such fun getting your input.
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