Saturday, August 15


I know I should be ecstatic that Justin has decided that today we are "purging" unnecessary things from our house, but it is only making me feel overwhelmed. The chaos is maddening, but I know the end result will be worthwhile.

We typically only "purge" out of necessity as we have moved every few years of our relationship. Now that we have been in the same place for 4 years - too much "stuff" has just accumulated.

Do you all ever take the time to toss stuff out or do you wait until you move? And, who has more stuff - you or your spouse? I always thought I had less, but after 8 years of living together, I would say we are approaching equal amounts of stuff at this point. Yikes.

1 comment:

CathyP said...

I just did this on Friday morning!!! My issue is that I get it all ready to go...then I don't take the time to get it where I can sell it/donate hall closet literally has 3 big bags of "purge" in it!

Do you guys just strictly donate? Or do you try to sell stuff first? Personally I try to sell, then I donate.