Let the shed series continue! So, this might not be the most exciting of areas of the shed to explore, but one that I believe deserves its own separate post. Time to go round and round as we spiral down the stairs.

Here is a mid-demolition shot of the top of the stairs, by the front door. This is looking towards the living room (now that you all have toured the entire upstairs). This is a great view of the gross teal trim, the beige front door, and - to the left - the blood red walls that went down the stairs. Also, here is MCB's dog, Anabelle, looking uneasy at the prospect of having to trot up and down the spiral stairs for the next few years to come.

And, here is a shot of the bottom of the spiral stairs. At the top of the image you see the doorway into the bedroom. This image is after all of the carpet had been ripped up (thank goodness). The spiral stairs aren't the prettiest, but they are the most practical for the space - they take up very little room.
And, here is MCB's Pop hard at work. If you don't know Von Wilson, you should probably get to know him. VW is all things - most importantly for this project - he is a very handy guy. In 1.5 days, VW laid every inch of flooring in the shed - including jigging the floor so that it fit perfectly around the base of the spiral stairs. Magic.
And, here is the front door area now. There is one tiny closet in the entire shed (in the bedroom, it also is home to the water heater), so all of the coats are out in the open. MCB purchased another IKEA shelf system for the shed. Living in Telluride means you need a lot of jackets for all types of weather. On the floor you will notice an old crate that gets used to store wet boots. Another crate has since been purchased for on top of the shelf to hold hats, gloves, helmets, nordic boots, you name it.
Blood red wall - gone! Took two coats of primer and two coats of paint to cover it all up - whew.
There is this odd little shelf in the stairwell. Of course, this is the obvious place to store axes (jokes people). The sign there was a gift from a friend - and is illegal for MCB to have as it is a Forest Service trail sign. Shhhh.
Also, no, MCB is not a lumberjack. Actually, MCB does some guest blogging for a great company - Best Made Company - who sends him gear to "test drive" so he can write reviews - hence the axe collection. All of those axes get used too - some wood chopping happened just this past Thanksgiving up in Steamboat with VW.
Also, no, MCB is not a lumberjack. Actually, MCB does some guest blogging for a great company - Best Made Company - who sends him gear to "test drive" so he can write reviews - hence the axe collection. All of those axes get used too - some wood chopping happened just this past Thanksgiving up in Steamboat with VW.
Looking down the stairs. Thrilling I know. The poster was a gift to MCB from some friends. MCB loves The National (as in lots). I do not (as in lots).
Here we are at the bottom of the stairs.
And, this is me, standing on the bottom step. Wow - I took a lot of stair photos. The door on the left leads you to the bedroom. Off to the right is the entrance to the bathroom. Behind the door is another painting by Michelle Curry Wright. She had loaned it to MCB years ago and just the other day came and swiped it to use in an upcoming show.
And, here we are under the stairs. Storage is a huge issue in the shed. MCB bought a couple of action packers to store bike gear (helmet, shoes, pedals, tools), ski gear (boots, helmets, gloves, goggles), and packs (for biking, skiing, hiking). Living in the mountains means you have so much stuff for all different activities. Outside are additional action packers with camping gear and other such stuff.
So, those are the stairs.
And, these now take us downstairs, where we will tour the bedroom and bathroom...stay tuned!
And, these now take us downstairs, where we will tour the bedroom and bathroom...stay tuned!
1 comment:
so loving the tour! Aren't the grundtal shelves from IKEA the best? We have them in our kitchen.
the national poster. love.
the axes - no jokes but damn i want to be at this shed if there is a zombie invasion (walking dead reference - pretty good show if you don't watch already).
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