ok make it 3.
1) I have not been avoiding everyone, I have just been swimming in the details of what is to follow......
2) Keith* got me tickets to NYC, and THE MARTHA STEWART SHOW...for our anniversary. You die? I die! I am really one of the only people I know who loves me some Martha, I can watch countless hours of reruns, read and re-read her magazine. It just doesn't end....and now I get to sit in her studio audience and see her in person and I am really crossing my fingers that I get a cool audience gift, and/or I get to hold one of her dogs during the taping. I also hope that there is a celebrity chef and we learn a glitter craft. We are going to do this next month!!!!

3) I am traveling for work next week...that's right, next week I will be able to send you an update or whatever from......wait for it.....Vietnam! So pumped. I am going to Vietnam, China and Hong Kong. I have never been to Vietnam...should be exciting, and from what I have heard very modern and lush. So I have been going from Consulate to Consulate getting all my travel documents in line..and waiting in a lot of lines.
SO...I have some posts this week to get out, including one on an engagement party I am throwing this weekend....also did you guys hear Met Home is now done-zo? What is happening to home and design mags? Sad songs....
*Yes, Keith is the best husband ever. No, he does not want to go with me to the show...but he is going...just to watch me "geek out"
Cathy!!! Martha! That is amazing. Tell KP I applaud him and that the trip to NY is perfect. Have so much fun.
Also - Vietnam! You are so lucky. Please take many photos, eat amazing food, and tell me all about it when you get back.
First - you tell us that you are shopping with Eddie Ross and now you get to see Martha? Amazing!
And - Vietnam? So exciting.
Can't wait to learn all of the details.
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