Sunday, October 30


A Halloween color story from the shed. Orange and Black. Have a spooktacular day!


Orange Eames. Yes, it is staying.

Matt loves a good bunting (his joke). This is the fridge in the shed. The doors are spray painted with chalkboard paint. Adorable.

Pumpkin. Waiting to be carved.

Two dogs, 400 sq ft. Lots of dog hair.

Yum. Home baked goodies.

Wednesday, October 26

For Me...

Remember this post? This print was made for me!

Sunday, October 23

Bachelorette tunes for you

I have been consumed.
As a maid (matron?) of honor.
Bridal shower - check.
Bachelorette - check.

Here is the mix from the Bachelorette  Lots of guilty pleasures.

Wednesday, October 19

You Betcha...

So, I know I owe everyone a shed before & after series. There are still some things to do around the shed (this weekend?). Also, I need to get all of the before photos on my computer so I can properly cull them down and organize them for your viewing pleasure.

In the meantime, MCB has this number on spec from a new design store in town. Of course, I think it is awesome. Someone (and that someone is actually not just me) is having fun designing their new space. And I approve.

Wednesday, October 12

bike days

It is finally feeling like Fall here in AZ!  
Bike riding season is here again!  
Wouldn't you love to find this on your bike? 
The Tucson Bicycle Belles are going to design their own to give out.  
[photo credits unknown]

Happy riding! 

Tuesday, October 4


Had about two seconds to junk recently. Went to a new place. It was full of a lot of random farming equipment and old cars. The owner had a cat without a tail and he wore a taser on his belt. I was scared. Then I walked past his trailer (on the property) and noticed this collection of light covers/reflectors. I want them all. I love them. I love this. I won't be going back, but happy for this moment of beauty.

Monday, October 3

It is beautiful

I did not make this mix, but I sure love it.

ps. Sonchia skip the first song - you are not a National fan right?