Is it 5:00 PM yet? I feel like today is simply dragging along. If your Friday is anything like mine, hopefully looking at some pretty things will help ease the pain and usher you into the weekend. So sit back and will be the weekend before you know it!
A lovely set of doors.
How amazing is this painted floor? Apparently this lady painted these incredible stripes herself...for about $100. Woah. Talk about an amazing DIY.
This I want badly.
Everything about this works for me. Hmm - maybe I need to get on ebay and start looking for old maps. Just lovely.
As if I wouldn't post open shelves here. Puh-leeze. Can't seem to ever get enough.
Hmm - thinking I am having a slight stripe obsession right now. I just ordered this. In gray. Apparently it has already shipped. Hoping it looks so very awesome on.
Come to me fringed chair. Because you rock.
Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!
Happy weekend! I sad it is over - was away from the computer for a few days for gem show - now back and loving this medley of wonderful stuff. keep me posted on the striped grey dress. So cute!
On another note = that painted floor is amazing.
Gem show? Details please!
Last Friday was the longest day of my it is Wednesday? My Calendar is all kinds of messed up
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