Monday, September 12

Don't forget...

Thank you Cathy for the reminder - Missoni for Target tomorrow! 

So many lovely things - check it out here.  


smc said...

So much is already sold out! I must get my hands on the luggage - thanks for the head's up.

Rebecca said...

got some random stuff - but a lot was sold out. Ended up buying kids clothes in XL for my sister and I. :)

C and S - a missoni treat is flying your way in the mail!

Sonchia said...

You are sweet. I have read all over the blog-o-sphere how crazy things were at Target about this line of products. Everything being sold out within the first 3 minutes of the store opening? Websites crashing. Etc. I cannot believe it. My Target is like 1.45 hrs. away, so I haven't gone yet. Our little rural Target usually has things for a long time. Hopefully I can get there soon, but it doesn't look promising. I wonder what is still left though.