Thursday, September 10

What I look at all day...

My office is literally underground (I think they were building it when you were in college) so as you can guess - I am excited for my move in December to a beautiful, historic building on campus (Old Main for anyone reading from UA). Although we are underground - there is nice light. The space is clean and modern...but sadly I don't have views like Sonchia's office.

This is what I look at all day - to the right of my computer there is random stuff. Notice the Trader Joe's tissues that Sonchia highlighted in a previous blog post. The pom-pom trophy was sadly not something I earned - my friend Rachel found at a thrift store - it says "2nd semester perfect attendance." Rah Rah!!

Here it is. My office is the place I bring framed pictures that do not have a home in my house.
*Please note the stolen REBECCA street sign (taken on my 16th birthday in Fayetteville, AR by a family friend - what a great gift). The picture on the right is where my students sit. The bulletin board is for random pictures that make me happy, calendars, and programs I need to remember to tell my students about. I wish I could paint the walls.

I took this picture from a New York Times Magazine article and framed it. It serves as a reminder of why I do my job.


Sonchia said...

Holy crap - I want your office - even if it is subterranean! It is so cute and personal. I love your art & am jealous about your tissue box (grrr). How in the world do you stay so neat? I am so impressed and jealous. WOW.

Rebecca said...

I am jealous of your office! You have actual wood (around windows, desk) while mine is a laminate heaven. I am clean because cleaning is a form of procrastination from doing actual work.

CathyP said...

My office stinks! I am going to remodel and repost.

UMmmmmmm and if you ever want to give that framed piece of Suzani Fabric to someone who used to admire it everyday in their kitchen...I know someone who would realllllly like it (just sayin')

Rebecca said...

Chicken the framed fabric would look good with your dining room table. Maybe it can be a house warming gift if you move to Tucson. a girl can dream....

Rebecca said...

ps. Cathy your office does not stink!! Reading nook?!?! Lucky.